Book Summary
A Pig Tale
“A Pig Tale” is a sweet and touching story about a pig named Millie who was allergic to dirt and dust, and Emily, a little girl who desperately needed a friend to help ease the pain of the passing of the family dog. The moment Emily saw Millie and Millie saw Emily there was an instant and magical connection between them. They played together, took walks together and immediately became best friends. This super clean pig was so loving and gentle that the farmer and his wife allowed Millie to move into the family’s house, which was a dream come true for both Emily and Millie.”
Hard Cover Print ISBN: 9781941095133
eBook ISBN: 978-1-941095-08-9
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A Pig Tale
I found your book, “A Pig Tale to be very enjoyable. The story reads well and the illustrations are very attractive.
Valerie Christie, Senior Children’s Manager at Libraries NI
A Pig Tale
Millie the pig hates getting dirty. Worse than that she's allergic to the dust and dirt. Her brothers call her unnatural. The fact they live on a farm makes it all the more problematic. When the farmer's daughter looses her pet dog, Millie is there to make her feel better. Emily decided she wanted Millie to be her new pet. It was a perfect match. They were best friends. Their friendship will be tested though. Mr. Kramer has a real hit in this one. It's an amazing story of a pig who is different than others like her. The back lesson is even those who are different can become you best friend. The main story of love and acceptance is one all littles need. I felt this is a good parent-child discussion book. It opens the door to a subject many find hard to talk about. I feel in love with Millie myself. It's an adorable story your children will love, and you'll find yourself reading it again and again.
Kissably Sweet 1
A Pig Tale
“A Pig Tale,” is an easy way to cover social issues with kids
Meet a neat, super clean pig named Millie. The farmer’s wife might love her, but the other pigs don’t understand. Then Emily, bereft of her beloved dog, steps in.
The story of Emily and Millie is told in smooth language with unobtrusive rhymes and bright clear illustrations in Paul Kramer's A Pig Tale. The sentences and ideas may grow more complex as the story progresses, but there’s an underlying immediate reality, and bright illustrations keep the concepts clear. A pleasing conclusion shows how those who help can be helped in turn; kindness and generosity are rewarded, for pigs and for people as well.
A Pig Tale is short and bright, covers lots of ground and many social issues, and is a pleasing read to share with children.Disclosure: The author offered me a free copy and I offer my honest review.
Sheila Deeth