Book Summary

Booger Bob

“Booger Bob – It is difficult to teach children proper personal hygiene. This cute story is a funny representation of what people do with what comes out of their noses and how they dispose of it.  Although the subject matter could be considered gross by many, there is a lesson to be learned after the laughter stops.”

Hard Cover Print ISBN: 9780981974583

eBook ISBN: 978-1-941095-02-7

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  • Booger Bob

    Paul, your book “Booger Bob” was funny and had me as a grown-up laughing. I can’t wait to share it with my new son when he gets a little older. I wish you much success.

    Terry Adams Jr. MLB Pitcher

  • Booger Bob

    "Booger Bob" is a short, rhyming book about personal hygiene - in this case picking your nose. It is geared toward youth readers, as it is supposed to teach them that picking your nose in public is gross. I think that this book would be funny for kids to read. Thinking about how my little brothers would react to it, I can almost guarantee that they would be cracking up with laughter and trying to pick their noses in front of whomever was reading the book to them - so I am not sure if the book would have the desired effect on them (or most your boys ...but it may).

    Stephanie Turner,

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