Book Summary
Worry Is Not Worth Worrying About
“Worry Is Not Worth Worrying About” It’s normal and natural for people to worry from time to time. Worrying too much and too often is unnatural. How can worry benefit you if what you were worrying about doesn’t happen? How can worry benefit you if what you are worrying about happens? It’s normal to be concerned, but excessive worry doesn’t resolve anything. Have faith that you will do whatever needs to be done if something you are worrying about actually does happen.
Hard Cover Print ISBN: 9781941095126
eBook ISBN: 978-1-941095-09-6
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Worry Is Not Worth Worrying About
Kids worry about not getting good grades. They worry about bullies. They worry about being too tall or too small. Kids worry about what might happen and what could happen. We need to help them understand that concern is good but worry won't make things better. We need to stress to them to do the best they can and to be the best they can be.
Mr. Kramer makes it easy for parents to find the right tools to have in their toolbox. It's books like his that make us more successful in teaching lessons such as these to our children. I found it fun and easy to read. I enjoy the examples given because they fit all children. A quick read but an invaluable tool. Your children will love these books.
I found no issues with this one. I gave these one 5 cheers out of 5Melanie Adkins, Book Reviewer,
Worry Is Not Worth Worrying About
I loved reading your book, “Worry Is Not Worth Worrying About.” The colorful pages are especially nice. Best wishes to you on this endeavor.
Dianne Holmes, Principal, Riverview Elementary School